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Self Help Suggestions for Depression and Anxiety

Eating well not only brings a balance to your body, but there are also specific foods to work in to your diet to create a state of sustained happiness!  Folks who eat more trans-fats (fats present in artificial form in industrially-produced pastries and fast food) have an increase risk of depression.

It’s a good idea to avoid trans-fats but not all fat is bad. Healthy fats can help to enhance mood and some of the best kinds of fats for mood are omega-3 fatty acids. You can find these in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel and also in flaxseeds and walnuts. An Omega-3 fatty acid and Vit D3 Supplement combo is key for patients who are suffering from depression.

Feeling depressed can make you dull and then it’s tempting to reach for a coffee to perk yourself up. However coffee is a stimulant and when it wears off it can cause your mood to drop. We suggest replacing it with green tea, which contains an amino acid that helps your body deal with stress.

In Chinese medicine leafy green vegetables have commonly been used to fight depression and help prevent that stuck feeling that goes along with feeling irritable.  Science confirms the benefit of leafy green vegetables due to their mood-enhancing folate.  Folate is a B-complex vitamin that your body needs to control most of your it’s functions, including mood and emotions.  So if you’re feeling down it you may feel like reaching for junk food, but it may help you more to steam some greens such as kale, chard, spinach, mustard greens, dandelion greens or cabbage!

Dehydration is often overlooked as a cause of depression.  Our body is  predominantly made of water and when we don’t get enough we can feel sluggish and irritable. Many of the drinks we reach for when we’re under emotional distress from coffee to alcohol, add to the dehydration, so make sure to drink a small glass of water every hour throughout the day to stay hydrated.

It’s common to crave sweets when you’re feeling down and best to pick is dark chocolate because it is high in magnesium, a mineral that calms your muscles and reduces anxiety. Dark chocolate also contains tryptophan, which can help reduce symptoms of depression.

Acupuncture helps balance the mind body connection, so for more help please call our office today to set up an appointment!  We are here to support you in your health and wellness!