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Cupping for Cough & Cold!

Question: How does cupping feelI? Answer: It does not hurt, just a gentle suction.
I see lots of viruses trying to take over our sensitive lung tissues this week!  I look to cupping and Asian Medicine for my immune system.  If I cup your upper back, I can encourage your lung tissue to disperse your pathogen.  I see our lungs as a protector against viruses and if they settle in…. time to evict the “bug.”  I want our lymphatic system to vent via our skin- to sweat or cup it out!  And lastly, the large intestine is best friends with the lungs so don’t forget to take the time to drink enough water to float the boat(aka move your bowels)
My recommendations…..Stay focused on reducing sugars, moving your bowels, getting enough rest and staying warm to keep the body happy this season! If you get into trouble come see us and we’ll help you along the path of wellness.