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Cold weather and Pain Management

We all know the cold weather makes us stagnant and introverted, but from a circulatory observation there is never a better time to stay moving!  Our bodies seem less thirsty in the Winter and blood deficiency is seen often due to the over consumption of coffee and meats.  We are left with a low level of fluids that easily freeze up with cold stagant envirnoments.

I’d like to remind of the incredibly important need for water and exercise.  When I fill my ice cube tray in the freezer I am reminded of the need to fill the water in each cube.  It takes longer to freeze if I filled it only half full!  If our bodies are low in fluids they stagnate or freeze up faster.  Building up our fluids makes for less stagnation over and stagnant energy is PAIN!

I find it useful to moving when I’m in pain.  The longer I sit the worse I feel, so I balance this out by trying to move every hour if I am sitting.  Filling up my fancy water bottle every couple of hours insures my hydration is sufficinet.  Please keep your rivers of energy full by keeping up on your water and reducing your diuretics(eg. sugar, caffiene and alcohol)  When the river gets low it also easily forms pools of stagnation which results in pain.

Acupuncture moves and distributes our fluids to relieve pain.  We also help the body build fluids by supporting the kidney, spleen and liver!  Hope you stay warm and this finds you well!  Keep your focus on health and wellness!  If you don’t who will?