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Hi Friends of HLA!

Happy heart month! I love seeing our heart patients improve through the years. I’ve been able
to witness many different heart patterns return to balance. Angina (chest pain), emotional
balancing, dizziness, high blood pressure & neuropathy are all greatly improved in our clinic.
Many times, stabilizing the heart also restores the mind!
Did you know the heart sends more messages to the brain then the brain sends to the heart?
It’s a heart-brain thing. Heart is our regulatory system that is autonomic (never at rest) and its
nervous system is vital for our survival.
 Research has found that there are elaborate feedback networks between the brain, heart
and mental and emotional systems. It is obvious that the age-old struggle between
intellect and emotion will not be resolved by the mind gaining dominance over the
emotions. The heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways: nervous
system, hormones, pulse wave, and electromagnetic fields. (, CHAPTER 5
30 © Copyright 2015 HeartMath Institute Science of the Heart)
New research:
 Could acupuncture therapy save depressed patients from coronary heart disease?
Depression makes it difficult to make healthy choices like eating poorly, stop exercising,
suffer sleep irregularities. Depression is linked to elevated heart rate and blood pressure,
reduced blood flow to the heart, and increase cortisol production.
 Acupuncture use is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD; the most
common form of cardiovascular disease), in depressed patients. The study by Chia-Yu
Huang, found that patients diagnosed with depression who received acupuncture
experienced a significantly lower rate of CHD than depressed patients who did not
receive acupuncture. (
 The heart is the first complex structure to function in the developing embryo. One week
after a woman would miss her menstrual period, a tiny heart is pumping single red cells.
The heart’s electrical field is 60 times greater, and its magnetic field is 5,000 times
stronger, than that of the brain. (
Let’s get together and talk heart health!

Best regards,

Sarah Atkinson CAC MSOM